Rajesh mourya

Reasons Why Higher Apartments Are Typically More Expensive

Yes, Apartments on higher floors are costly. This is because higher floors' ventilation is not blocked by adjacent buildings. This makes them blither, preferable, and costlier than apartments on lower floors. Acquaintance to natural light is ample on higher floors, which makes it one of the most beautiful and desirable features. Living on a higher floor has many benefits. You get better sights of...

PROPERTY GUIDE − A Complete A TO Z About Real Estate Dictionary

Abatement Notice A notice served on the owner(s) or occupier(s) of a property from which a private nuisance arises, warning them of the intention to enter on the land in order to abate the nuisance. It is a legal order to refrain from carrying out an activity that creates a statutory nuisance such as smoke or noise pollution, parking in unauthorized areas etc. Absolute Title Title to a property...

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